IIIT-Delhi Blog


Alumni Experiences

THE LIFE AHEAD Is what you make of it

It was a chilly Monday morning in Himachal. I sat outside an Operation Theatre, at a 3-hr drive from my house in Bir, on no sleep, waiting to get an update on my friend who broke his foot in a… Continue Reading →

Shades of Life in IIIT-Delhi | A Saga of Kshitiz Bakshi from Class of 2014

College life, as crazy as it may sound, is an amalgamation of education, career, friendships, and much more. It is that part of your journey wherein you learn, grow, figure yourself out, and while you are trying to understand life,… Continue Reading →

Mukul Chhabra- The Youngest Entrepreneur of IIIT-Delhi!

Getting a degree from top engineering colleges was often seen as a key to high-paying jobs and a convenient life. Well, not anymore!! A large number of fresh graduates are now taking up entrepreneurship to address problems faced by the… Continue Reading →

Intersection of Sports & Technology- An Inspiring story of Bavneet Singh

An educational institution like ours is known by its Alumni who reflect upon our past, present, and future. Our institute’s alumni are the ambassadors of our values and representatives of our vision to contribute towards society and make a global… Continue Reading →

Thank You, IIITD! | Amya Rai, Class of 2017

I feel like it was only yesterday when I drove past the main gate with my parents for the first time to have a look at the campus before I apply here. I was astonished by the infrastructure of this… Continue Reading →

13027@IIIT-D | Ayush Shah, Class of 2017

IIIT-Delhi brings in so many memories and cherished experiences all at once in a flash. It is hard to write my heart out, but I will give a fair attempt. In a few words… “IIIT-D has nurtured us from a… Continue Reading →

Ishita Jain Talks About What No One Tells You about IIIT Delhi

It has been a while since the last day at IIIT Delhi. A long while since we last sat down to remember our Alma mater and how our lives were carefully shaped. Everyone is so caught up in the rat-race, trying… Continue Reading →

Everything I Need

  Here’s a truth I realized sometime over the past year: I probably wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now, or even want to be doing it, if it weren’t for IIIT-D. I was surprised when I discovered this, but I’m… Continue Reading →

Dr. Paridhi Jain writes The Last Blog!

It is an amazing and indeed a fortunate opportunity to be among the first few students of the Institute and your advisor. Why? Because being the first few puts you in the experimental zone, especially for the advisor; this allows… Continue Reading →

Growing Up

By Taneea S Agrawaal Ten years down the line, if somebody asks me, “What has been your best experience?” I’m positive I will reply with, “My college time has been my most valuable experience.”

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